3 Outdoor Workout for Beautiful Weather
With summer right around the corner, the temptation to leave the confines of the iron dungeon, get some fresh air, and work on your tan can become overwhelming at times. But what’s a guy or girl to do to stay shredded, strong, and sexy when taking the occasional voyage outside the gym? These three outdoor workouts will help build speed and stamina, maintain strength and muscle mass, and maybe help you shed a few unwanted pounds so you are beach body ready!
Workout # 1: Track Attack
Type of Workout: HIIT + Strength
Total Workout Time: ~30-40 minutes
Equipment Needed: 400-meter track
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light jogging followed by 3-4, 50-meter strides
Lap 1:
- Run 100 meters at 70% full speed
- 10 push ups
- Run 100 meters at 70% full speed
- 10 squat jumps
- Run 100 meters at 70% full speed
- 20 crunches
- Run 100 meters at 70% full speed
Rest 2 Minutes
Lap 2:
- Run 100 meters at 80% full speed
- 8 push ups
- Run 100 meters at 80% full speed
- 8 squat jumps
- Run 100 meters at 80% full speed
- 15 crunches
- Run 100 meters at 80% full speed
Rest 3 minutes
Lap 3:
- Run 100 meters at 90% full speed
- 6 push ups
- Run 100 meters at 90% full speed
- 6 squat jumps
- Run 100 meters at 90% full speed
- 10 crunches
- Run 100 meters at 90% full speed
Rest 4 minutes
Lap 4:
- Run 100 meters at full speed
- 4 push ups
- Run 100 meters at full speed
- 4 squat jumps
- Run 100 meters at full speed
- 8 crunches
- Run 100 meters at full speed
Cooldown: Walk or light jog for 5-10 minutes followed by light stretching if desired
Workout #2: Cardio Ladders
Type of Workout: Intervals
Total Workout Time: ~40-50 minutes
Equipment Needed: Flat path, trail, or track, and a stopwatch
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light jogging followed by 3-4, 50-meter strides
- Interval #1: Run 4 minutes at 70% effort level followed by 2-minute light jog or walk
- Interval #2: Run 3 minutes at 75% effort level followed by 90 second light jog or walk
- Interval #3: Run 2 minutes at 80% effort levels followed by 60 second light jog or walk
- Interval #4: Run 1 minute at 85% effort level followed by 45 second light jog or walk
- Interval #5: Run 30 seconds at 90% effort level followed by 3o second light jog or walk
- Rest for 3 minutes
- After rest, repeat sequence starting with the 30-second interval and building back up to the 4-minute interval
Cooldown: Walk or light jog for 5-10 minutes followed by light stretching if desired
Workout #3: Suns out, Guns out
Type of Workout: Whole body strength circuit
Total Workout Time: ~30 minutes
Equipment Needed: Park, bench, playground equipment a bonus
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light jogging
- Ten Pushups
- Ten Pull-Ups (get creative…think tree branch or playground equipment)
- Ten Step-Ups (on park bench)
- Ten bench dips
- 20 crunches
- 20 Sumo Squats
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- Rest 2-3 minutes and repeat circuit 2-3 more times
Cool down: 5-10 minutes of light jogging